Another hectic week at work and people have started bringing in tins and tins of chocolates "as its almost Christmas!" - despite this temptation I managed to stay on track this week and when I went to WI yesterday I had lost 3 and a half pounds! So I'm down to 12st 1.5lbs which is good, and it has given me the motivation to stay on track this coming week as well (I was considering just not tracking now until the new year - I know that's not the best way of doing things but it is easier and less stressful!).
So I worked out what I have coming up this week and the only stumbling block is a night out with some of the guys and girls from work on Saturday (weather permitting - snow has been threatened again this weekend and we know that seems to grind Greater London to a complete halt!) which will mainly consist of a meal at an Indian restaurant - I figure if I try and not use any of my weekly points between now and then I can use them all on Saturday and not worry too much about it, going to study the menu beforehand and decide what food I'm having which should help as well.
And the way I see it, after WI next week it is basically Christmas! I will have just one day left of work (I have booked Christmas Eve and the time in between Christmas and New Year off) and I can really get into the Christmas spirit :o)