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Thursday 28 April 2011

WI – Wednesday 27th April 2011

In a word – disaster!  Scales showed a gain of 3lbs which takes me back up to 11st 11.5lbs which just sucks.

I walked out of WI and I was really p*ssed off, and I realised how much of a control freak I am with my food.  Let me break it down:
  • If I had gained due to my own decision to not stick to the plan then I would have been slightly annoyed with myself but would have picked it back up from today (Thursday) – this is mainly due to it being my decision to eat the wrong foods, so no one else to blame apart from myself.
  • As the mother-in-law has been with us since last Saturday (and not leaving us till this Saturday morning) I have basically been kicked out of my kitchen and we have had 4 meals out as well (including a mega Chinese meal, a cafĂ© breakfast and an Indian meal).  I appreciate the reasons why she likes to indulge in these meals as she cannot get the same out in Cyprus (where she lives) and it is nice that she wants to do the cooking while me and Stew are at work – I don’t want to sound like a spoilt brat however I have not had much of a say in what we eat since Saturday and although I like the food I have eaten I now feel extremely blotted, I haven’t been to the loo properly for the last few days (sorry to share that!) and my skin is starting to suffer as I seem to be having a mini outbreak of spots.  I think the thing which has bugged me the most is that the meals we have had at home have not been in anyway WW friendly – yesterday for example was sheppard’s pie with the most mash potato and cheese on top I have ever seen, and I was presented with a huge plateful – I admit I didn’t help myself as I ate the whole thing but this was mainly down to me feeling ‘what’s the point’ and also not wanting her to feel that I didn’t like it and therefore throwing questions at me or trying to feed me up with chocolate or cake or something.  Tonight we have beef stroganoff made with lashings of cream and a huge mound of rice to go with it – potentially a pudding as well if Tesco’s was ventured to today, woop!
  • Another thing I realised after WI was that I only really trust a few people to cook for me and actually take my considerations into account – these are Stew, my mum and my best friend Nikki – no one else seems to really take it seriously that I’m trying to make a permanent life-style change. 

To be honest, after WI I wasn’t surprised or shocked by my result, I hadn’t had the opportunity to stick to the plan and gave up writing down my food by Sunday night.

I know I will get back on track on Saturday and already have a mental list of food to get in the shopping, etc.  Even a BBQ at my mum’s on Sunday won’t put me off track as I’m going to be following the SF method and therefore can work my way round it :o)  I’m more concerned about Stew – he has been tracking his calories for the last 2 months and was close to his 1 stone loss mark!  The sad thing is he told his mum all about it and she didn’t seem interested (which upset me as I’m so proud of him!) and every meal he has been told ‘well its only a one off, don’t worry about it’ – helpful!  Safe to say this week has thrown him off completely, I just hope he can get back on track on Saturday as well (fingers and toes crossed!)  

Anyway, rant over (hopefully it is out of my system now!) – roll on Saturday (Zumba class in the morning to get me even more motivated!)

Thursday 21 April 2011

WI - Wednesday 20th April 2011

So I stuck to the Simply Filling method of the Pro Points Plan and it seems to work well for me :o)  Most of the food on the SF list is food I really like and I have just been having my 3 meals a day and not felt hungry in between - this in itself is a huge thing for me!  I'm guessing it is due to me not always thinking in the back of my mind about how many points I have left, or have eaten, or need to eat, etc..... it was really great!

So I went to WI last night slightly concerned that it wouldn't make any difference on the scales and was shocked to find I had lost 2 and a half pounds!  That's right, 2.5lbs!!!  Blimey!  So I am now down to 11st 8.5lbs :o)  I walked out of WI with a huge smile on my face, that's not happened for a while.  So I'm going to stick with SF for another week and see what happens - the only thing which is concerning me slightly is the mother-in-law is staying for a week with us from Saturday, and she usually insists on having dinner out most nights (especially as she lives in Cyprus and therefore wants to indulge in the meals she can't get back home such as Chinese and Indian... all the stuff which hits my weak spot!).  It is going to be challenging but I'm hoping it won't be too bad, at least I should be able to limit the damage to some extent..... fingers crossed!  

Friday 15 April 2011

WI - Wednesday 13th April 2011

Well managed to loose 2lbs which brings me back to 11st 11lbs - was glad about this :o)  Had a quick chat to my leader and decided to give the simply filling method a go to see if this will help me get past this blip of loosing and then putting it back on.  Good thing is I'm off work from Friday until just after Easter so I can focus on the SF way of eating without having to worry about work as well.

Wish me luck!

Wednesday 6 April 2011

WI - Wednesday 6th April 2011

How slack have I been?!  This last week has just flown by and this is the first time I have managed to sit in front on my laptop for a fair amount of time.

Why are you so yummy!!
Well WI this week was bad but it was expected - went away at the weekend and didn't track the whole week, plus vast amounts of wine, chocolate and girly chats over the weekend meant a gain was inevitable!  I gained 1.5lbs this week which combined with my 0.5lb loss last week takes me back to 11st 13lbs - and I'm pretty happy with that (I did consume a huge amount of giant chocolate buttons over the week!!) 

But a new week is ahead of me and back to tracking which should is the main thing I need to do to stop me grazing.  Not got anything major planned this week apart from Saturday so I should able to stick to my points without any issues :o)