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Sunday 16 January 2011

C25K - Week 1, Day 1

I actually forced myself to do this today, I got up, got dressed and went to the park.  Stew (bless him) came with me to give me some support which did really help.  

So, managed to do the warm up and 4 of the 6 jogging sequences but then I got a really painful stitch and ended up walking the rest of the session - not exactly a success but not a failure either, I managed a chunk of it, it didn't kill me and it hasn't deterred me either so that's got to be a good thing right?!  I need to work on my breathing I think, I seem to start breathing really fast when I jog and feel like I'm not getting enough air which in turn can panic me so next time I'm going to really try deeper, longer breaths and see how that helps.

If anyone can point me in the direction of some running tip type sites it would be very much appreciated!  Thanks


  1. slow down! it might feel like you're barely above a walk, but this was the best advice i got when doing the c25k plan a few years ago. It'll allow you to catch your breath more easily and then when the plan calls for it you can more onto longer running stints easier.

  2. I didn't feel like I was going fast but I guess I could go slower, thanks for the tip :o)

  3. Ooh I started this last year but stopped when it snowed, might have to get back to it.

    Have you got the app? Apparently that's supposed to be really handy for tracking when you should be running and walking.

  4. Not got the app as don't have an Iphone or android but Stew (my otherhalf) has some software and has added beeps in for me on my playlist so I know when to start and stop - works well :o)
